My Pharmacy Story

So I’m not sure if I mentioned being involved in so many random writing gigs last year. All these was done without a functional phone or laptop, the problem now is I don’t have soft or hard copies of most of my work, sadly, nearly all of them. I’ve been trying to retrieve those I get from friends whose laptops I used at the time though. 

So this was an entry in a competition in school, a competition that I happened to win! 😁 My friends wanted me to edit their entries, and it took a lot of discipline on my end to finish my work before reading through theirs, I didn’t want to risk infringing on their ingenuity. So here you go, the competition is as the title of this post is… Simple and short.. ‘MY PHARMACY STORY’.

Oya, read, enjoy, let me know what you think and don’t forget to share 😉

We all love ‘love stories’ especially if the couple met at a very tender age, my story is one of such. It all started as a crush in 2010 when I picked Pharmacy as the second choice in my JAMB examination, nothing exactly came out of that; however the following year I became good friends with Pharmacy.

Our friendship blossomed such that I did everything humanly possible to water our growing friendship, I read tirelessly as I wanted to be equipped with knowledge that would help our friendship, I even prayed about it too.

It all paid off when Pharmacy asked me out some months later at the University of Lagos multipurpose hall, fate got us to meet there sometime in October 2011. The first one year of our relationship was a bit cliché, we spent late nights interacting via various texts; now that I try to recall, the majority of texts were on subject matters not involving Pharmacy but included physics, chemistry, zoology, and the likes. For some strange reason, it however built our affection for each other; some months later in 2012, Pharmacy eventually popped the question.

I was ecstatic, would I have said no? I was drunk in love! Our marriage took place in grand style at the Faculty of Pharmacy, University of Lagos, and that was when it all really began.

Life is not a bed of roses; our marriage has not been that either, we had quite a number of fights during the first year of our marriage. Our daily interactions changed and majored on subject matters such as pharmacognosy, pharmaceutical chemistry, clinical pharmacy and the likes; the flow of information was too large and new for me to handle. The sad part was my baby’s family never failed to insinuate that ‘I get out if I could not cope’. They said it in words and gestures when they visited, I recall when uncles Incourses and Exams came around, and nearly threw me off balance. Divorce was however not an option for me, I was in love. The adage ‘a family that prays together stays together’ came to play, we did not exactly pray together, I did more of the praying but it was for both our sakes; I wanted a colorful and beautiful marriage after all.

It’s 2016 and when I look back, I realize there have been banters but sweet success stories too in our relationship. I love my baby and I’m confident I’m loved too. My Pharmacy story is my love story, it is a case of ‘till death do us part’, if I went back in time and was asked to marry Pharmacy again, my answer would still be a big fat ‘Yes’!

30 thoughts on “My Pharmacy Story

  1. Happy married life….lol
    Good write up though;giving life to pharmacy. However, it would have been a better one or probably the best I’ve ever read if you told me what happened to your marital life from 2013 to 2015. I want to learn oooo

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