Minstrels Unending

A few days back, I was at a gathering of believers when we plunged into deep worship. The atmosphere was beautifully charged and edifying, but that’s not exactly why I’m writing. See, while at this intensely charged gathering, a conversation ensued in my spirit — of course inspired by the Father of all Spirits. I was forced to go down memory lane of how many such spiritual events I had attended in the past. 

For real, think about it:

Surrendered spirits. Raised hands. Pitched screams. Sweaty and slain bodies. Unnatural body movements. Spiritual dance rhythms. Tongues sounding different yet so beautiful. Crying faces — the tears always come through. Scattered chairs, depending on the hall or location. I could go on and on but you probably already get the drift. What program or event comes to mind for you? What was that program where you saw the Spirit break out and boy did you want to be in that space forever. Whoosh!

Christian FAQ

Before I drift, let’s get back to the essence of this post. Lol. 

There and then, the Holy Spirit made me realise that this was why we were made — to worship. And worship we shall. 

Friend, while you’re at that meeting worshipping with other believers, there are many others across the globe raising incense to the Father in worship. It’s a cycle. A chain that’s not breaking. Guys… God has sons! John recorded that the 24 elders and the 4 beasts in heaven do not cease to worship. What are the odds that this sound raised in heaven echoes through the earth as believers splattered across the globe also worship? It might seem disjointed but it’s very much in unison as our spirits worship our Father. As the Lord took me on this conversation in my heart, I drafted a poem I’d like to share with you:

So friend, when next you’re discouraged in worship… Remember that there’s a party in heaven, one that’s equally playing out on earth. Choose to be part of this movement that’s raising their hearts, voices and lives in surrendered worship. Don’t relent. You’re not alone. You never were. Christ is with you. He’s the head and within His body – boy, are we many!



Stephanie Ugbor. ❤️

“And each of the four living creatures had six wings and was covered with eyes all around and within. Day and night they never stop saying: “Holy, Holy, Holy, is the Lord God Almighty, who was and is and is to come!” Rev4:8

“While the earth remains, seedtime and harvest, cold and heat, summer and winter, day and night, shall not cease.” Gen8:22

“For as the waters fill the sea, the earth will be filled with an awareness of the glory of the LORD.” Hab2:14

“Your kingdom come, your will be done, on earth as it is in heaven.” Matt6:10

4 thoughts on “Minstrels Unending

  1. Ohh… Stephanie…
    This is enriching…spirit inspired.

    Your poem is igniting things…
    ….My heart is inditing a good matter
    My mouth is like the pen of a ready writer…


  2. Hhmmmn..
    The Father’s worship!
    We shall continue to worship from here(the terrestrial) till we see Him & forever worship in the Celestial.

    God bless your beautiful heart sis. Very good use of words with unambiguous dissemination of message.

    Liked by 1 person

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